About Us

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Founded in 1985 by Edwin Nevis, GestaltPress is an educational publishing house dedicated to the ongoing evolution of Gestalt theory and methods, and their promotion throughout the world. Our mission is to reach out, through books, conferences, and other initiatives, to bring the wisdom and and transformative potential of the Gestalt model to a wide audience of readers, practitioners, and users across disciplines, models, and cultures.

Since our founding we have specialized in titles that build out from a strong, evolving core of Gestalt theory into a wider world of new applications and new audiences, feeding back into implications for further evolution of theory and method. In the words of the late Gestalt therapy pioneer Serge Ginger, “the roots must grow with the tree,” in order to support stronger and broader-reaching branches.

Following our commitment to reaching out to a diverse audience in the clinical, healing, education, and change agent worlds, GestaltPress has most often worked in partnership with a series of commercial co-publishers, each serving to bring us before new audiences, promoting cross-disciplinary growth in the broader field. Over the years we have worked at different periods with Gardner Press, Jossey-Bass Publishers, The Analytic Press (Lawrence Erlbaum Group), and since 2006 Routledge, Taylor & Francis.

We also work in close cooperation with a number of major Gestalt and other professional journals around the world, as well as with psychological publishers in other languages. With nearly 50 titles currently in print, we have brought forward the work of nearly 150 Gestalt and Gestalt-related authors, and have gained critical attention for the Gestalt model in scores of journals as well as other publications around the globe. GestaltPress books have been translated into some 20 other languages, and are available in most of the world.

We at GestaltPress hold the Gestalt model as the most wide- and deep-reaching integral, relational, and creative theoretical perspective available for addressing the full range of issues facing each of us uniquely, and humankind as a whole in the 21st Century. As we mark and pass the 100th anniversary of the birth of Gestalt psychology, as well as of the birth of foundational Gestalt therapy theorist Paul Goodman, we celebrate the ever-growing riches of this fertile legacy. With our heritage of relational and action-based thought and methodology, Gestalt is uniquely suited to serve as the complexity-based theory base for human experience and behavior at every level of system in an evolving world culture.