The Bridge

The Bridge

  • Dialogues Across Cultures
    Edited by Talia Levine Bar-Yoseph

Gestalt therapy enables dialogue across cultures, giving value difference, subjective experience, heritage, and context. Hence, it is a bridge across cultures, a bridge composed of mutual interests and, above all, of the conviction in the right of the other to exist. It is therefore a meeting place of differences.

Culture is a fixed creative adjustment to what was the given during the development of a specific system. This book looks at Culture in the wider sense of the term, to embrace such concepts as ethnicity, gender, and religion, including the context of divisions within immigrant families, nonverbal expression of the human body, the expression of therapists and their clients, and the expressive feelings of peoples at war.

A group of scholars stepped forward to write down their ideas, experiences, and attempts to apply the unique Dialogic-Field approach to the bridging of difference, thereby enhancing contact and coexistence at the divide. Their accounts are academic, universal, and personal.

Talia Levine Bar-Yoseph grew up in a land created by many differences. In collecting this book and editing it, she amalgamated her theoretical thinking and professional experience with her life experience. She was born and raised in Israel, lived and worked in the USA and Europe. Currently, she devotes most of her professional life to the bridging of difference in international organizations, training, and coaching.

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