Encountering Bigotry

Encountering Bigotry

  • Befriending Projecting Persons in Everyday Life
    Edited by Philip Lichtenberg, Jannek van Beusekom, & Dorothy Gibbons

This book examines productive and unproductive ways of acting in the presence of bigoted activities. In a world in crisis with masses of individuals feeling alone and unsupported, faulty projecting processes are everywhere to be seen. A prime example is bigotry. With social conditions promoting high personal arousal, on the one hand, and low levels of support, on the other hand, all kinds of bigotry thrive. And bigotry is active all over the world. Transforming hatred into friendship depends upon how people meet each other in everyday life.

Philip Lichtenberg is Mary Hale Chase Professor Emeritus at Bryn Mawr College where he taught for over 35 years. Among the courses he offered were :”Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory,” Gestalt Therapy,” and “Change and Resistance to Change.” He was one of the founding members of The Gestalt Therapy Institute of Philadelphia, and served as one of its Directors from 1983 to 2010. He continues as a Faculty member of the Institute. Philip has

published six books, including Psychoanalysis: Radical and Conservative, Community and Confluence, and Encountering Bigotry (as senior author). He has published many articles and chapters, and continues to lead workshops in the United States and abroad.

Janneke Maria van Beusekom, Ph.D. is in the private practice of psychotherapy at Life Management Associates in Lancaster, Penssylvania. Formerly an assistant professor in economics, she is a graduate of Bryn Mawr’s School of Social Work and Social Research

Dorothy Gibbon, M.A., M.S.S. is a Geriatric Mental Health Clinician for Intercommunity Action, Inc. in Philadelphia. She is a recent graduate of the Gestalt Therapy Institute of Philadelphia and is currently involved in training in the Agazarian Approach to Systems-Centered Group-as-a Whole Therapy.

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